Poisonous parts of edible plants: Know your food

06.10.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Even the most common plants we often eat can be dangerous sometimes - it often depends on what parts you eat.

Some plants have delicious and completely safe parts we cook and eat almost daily, but other parts are not that safe for us.

Let's find out more about it.


We eat the potatoes that grow underground, but the green parts, like the leaves and stems, are not safe to eat. 

They contain a substance called solanine, which can make us sick.

potato blossom


We enjoy eating the stalks of rhubarb in pies and desserts, but the leaves of the rhubarb plant are poisonous. 

They contain a substance called oxalic acid, which can be harmful if eaten.


The red, juicy part of the tomato is safe to eat, but the green leaves and unripe green tomatoes can have a substance called tomatine, which can be toxic in large amounts.


Elderberries are used to make jams and syrups, but the leaves, stems, and unripe berries contain a compound that can be toxic if not prepared properly.

Kidney Beans

While cooked kidney beans are safe to eat, raw or undercooked kidney beans contain a toxin called lectin, which can cause digestive problems.


Remember, it's essential to know which parts of these plants are safe to eat and which parts should be avoided to stay healthy. 

If you're unsure, it's a good idea to seek advice from someone who knows or do some research to be safe.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Potatoes
  2. Rhubarb
  3. Tomato
  4. Elderberry
  5. Kidney Beans
  6. Conclusion