Pumpkin jam: Cooking ideas for you

04.11.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Pumpkin is a perfect versatile ingredient that can be used for very diverse dishes, including jam.

It's easy to cook, and it can be just perfect for toasts, pancakes, and waffles.

Here's how you can cook it.

Prepare the Pumpkin

Start by peeling the pumpkin and removing the seeds. Then, cut it into small, evenly-sized cubes.

Cook the Pumpkin

Place the pumpkin cubes in a large pot and add water. 


Cook the pumpkin over medium heat until it becomes soft and can be easily mashed with a fork. This usually takes about 20-25 minutes.

Mash the Pumpkin

Once the pumpkin is soft, use a fork or a potato masher to mash it until you get a smooth consistency.

Add Sugar and Spices

Stir in the sugar, lemon juice, ground cinnamon, and ground nutmeg. Keep the mixture over medium heat.


Allow the mixture to simmer, stirring frequently. 

It will thicken, and the sugar will dissolve to create a jam-like consistency. This may take about 20-30 minutes.

Test for Consistency

To check if the jam is ready, place a small amount on a cold plate. If it thickens and doesn't run, it's ready. If not, continue simmering.

Cool and Store

Once your pumpkin jam is ready, remove it from the heat and let it cool. Then, transfer it to clean, sterilized jars for storage.


Your homemade pumpkin jam is ready to enjoy! It's great on toast, as a topping for desserts, or as a flavorful ingredient in various recipes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Prepare the Pumpkin
  2. Cook the Pumpkin
  3. Mash the Pumpkin
  4. Add Sugar and Spices
  5. Simmer
  6. Test for Consistency
  7. Cool and Store
  8. Enjoy