What Breakfast Should Look Like: Hearty and Healthy

29.05.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Breakfast is an important meal, because it energizes you in the morning and gives you strength for productive work. In the article, we will give examples of hearty and healthy dishes.

What can you eat in the morning

Positions with a multicomponent composition. For example, sandwiches with beef, pancakes with spinach, ricotta and

Double cheese, bulgur with almonds, hazelnuts and dried cranberries.

You can try the national breakfasts of the countries: British red bean stew, German sausages with scrambled eggs, Israeli shakshuka.

Of the low-calorie dishes, one can distinguish cheesecakes, scrambled eggs with vegetables, pancakes with cottage cheese, oatmeal, chicken broth with croutons.


How to have a hearty breakfast

British Breakfast

Delicious hunter's sausages and fried bacon complement a hearty red bean stew with vegetables poached in white wine, fried eggs, sun-dried tomatoes and crispy wheat toast.

German breakfast

Juicy pork sausages are cooked with crispy potato wedges, scrambled eggs. Mustard sauce and pickled cucumbers spice up the main dish.

What is suitable for children and people on a diet

A portion of cheesecakes is a low-calorie, low fat and tasty breakfast. The dish is served with powdered sugar, sour cream, strawberry coulis or mint.

Pancakes with cottage cheese are a healthy, satisfying, moderately sweet dish. You can add strawberry sauce, sour cream, jam or mint to it.

Oatmeal. This can be supplemented with dried apricots, berry sauce, fruit, almonds, seeds or mint.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What can you eat in the morning
  2. How to have a hearty breakfast
  3. British Breakfast
  4. German breakfast
  5. What is suitable for children and people on a diet