

A team of researchers conducted an extensive global study on single women, exploring the nuanced relationships between age and partner preferences. The study, encompassing over 20,000 women aged 18 to 68 from almost 150 countries, revealed that the majority of partner preferences exhibited minimal variation across various age groups.

Kate Yakimchuk research relationship preferences love partners Psychology 20 December 2023

We are often taught that we should live for others - to help them, take care of them, and love them more than we love ourselves. But modern people think differently - so now it's better to help yourself first before you can help others.

Kate Yakimchuk personality tips self-esteem Psychology 24 November 2023

Lots of modern people make their jobs their first priority - they use it for self-validation, feeling of purpose, and simply killing time. Meanwhile, psychologists claim that our jobs don't have to be the only things that matter in our lives.

Kate Yakimchuk work job balance Psychology 5 November 2023