Advice from a Psychologist: How to Deal with Emotions and Develop Emotional Intelligence

16.07.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

It is important for every person to be able to correctly and environmentally express their emotions. However, first of all, it is important to learn how to notice and distinguish between them.

What happens if you constantly suppress emotions

Suppression of emotions leads to emotional exhaustion, stress and serious illness. In conditions of environmental changes, they cause strong tension and, as a result, emotional outbursts.

Alexithymia is not a psychiatric diagnosis, it is a condition in which a person is not able to describe and understand his feelings and emotions. It leads not only to problems in interpersonal relationships, but can also cause psychosomatic illnesses.

How are human emotions expressed

Emotions can be expressed through different channels. This can be a visual channel, facial expressions, gestures, and so on. There may be an auditory canal, such as voice signals in speech. Emotions can manifest in self-observation as experiences.

What affects emotional intelligence

First of all, the development of emotional intelligence is influenced by the training of stable and clear, non-judgmental attention. This helps to be aware of your thoughts, emotions and feelings at the moment of their occurrence without switching to automatic reactions.

Photo: Pixabay

Physical relaxation will help to throw out the accumulated negative emotions. Wave your fists, beat a pear or a pillow. You can just turn on the music and move the way you want. Light exercise can help improve your mood. You can also start keeping a diary and share your experiences and emotions there.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What happens if you constantly suppress emotions
  2. How are human emotions expressed
  3. What affects emotional intelligence