Breaking free from the social media trap: Boosting body image for teens

17.07.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

In a world heavily influenced by social media, body image concerns have become increasingly prevalent, particularly among teenagers. 

However, a groundbreaking study reveals a powerful antidote: spending less time on social media can lead to substantial improvements in body image.

Let's find out more.

Social media ruins your body image

The American Psychological Association conducted a study that highlighted the negative impact of excessive social media use on body satisfaction and overall appearance. 

Lead author Gary Goldfield, PhD, emphasized the vulnerability of adolescence to body image issues and mental health problems, attributing them to the unrealistic beauty standards propagated by social media platforms.

sad teen

To explore potential solutions, a pilot study was conducted, wherein participants limited their social media use for three weeks. 

The outcome was promising, with participants reporting noticeable enhancements in their overall appearance satisfaction.

The results were striking

Those who reduced their social media consumption experienced significant improvements in both their overall appearance and body weight satisfaction, in stark contrast to the control group, which showed no significant changes.

This compelling evidence suggests that curbing social media usage could serve as a practical approach to fostering a positive body image, particularly among vulnerable individuals. 

The study advocates for further exploration of this strategy as a potential treatment for body-image-related disturbances.

In an era dominated by digital platforms, breaking free from the social media trap proves to be a promising pathway toward cultivating healthier perceptions of our bodies.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Social media ruins your body image
  2. The results were striking