Expert Explanation: What is Aphasia

29.12.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Aphasia is the loss of speech functions that occurs due to damage to the speech center in the cerebral cortex.

As a result, a person loses the ability to speak and/or listen to conversations, and in some cases, count, read or write.

Why does aphasia occur

Aphasia is a language dysfunction that may involve difficulty understanding or expressing words or nonverbal equivalents of words.

It develops as a result of damage to the speech centers in the cerebral cortex, as well as the basal ganglia or white matter through which the pathways pass.

Brain damage leading to aphasia is usually caused by stroke, brain tumors, brain disorders such as dementia, or traumatic brain injury.


How does aphasia manifest

The patient utters sounds and words that have no meaning. Heor she also cannot understand the meaning of someone else's speech, although his hearing is not impaired.

The patient’s speech is completely absent; the patient does not understand speech addressed to him.

Damage occurs to many speech areas of the brain.

Is it possible to completely cure aphasia

Aphasics should receive speech therapy treatment as early as possible.

Nevertheless, even several years after the onset of the disease, success can be achieved with the help of appropriate therapy.

Previously, we talked about the causes of autism in adults.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why does aphasia occur
  2. How does aphasia manifest
  3. Is it possible to completely cure aphasia