Gifts giving obsession: Psychologist's insights

22.10.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Most people love receiving gifts, others love making them - it's a pretty natural wish to make our close people happy.

Meanwhile, some people might love giving gifts way more than receiving them - but why?

Here are a few possible explanations to that.

The Joy of Giving

For many, the act of giving itself is immensely rewarding. 

The happiness they feel when they see someone's face light up upon receiving a gift is a powerful motivator. 


It's like a little burst of joy every time they give a thoughtful present.

Spreading Happiness

Some individuals have a natural inclination to bring joy to others. 

They find fulfillment in making people smile and brightening their day through well-thought-out gifts. It's like being a happiness ambassador.

Bringing People Together

The act of giving is a universal practice that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. 

It's a way to connect with people from different backgrounds and establish bonds based on shared experiences.

Celebrating Special Occasions

People who love giving gifts often relish in the celebration of special moments, such as birthdays, holidays, and milestones. 

Gifts enhance these occasions, making them even more memorable.

Feeling Generous

Generosity is a virtue that many gift-givers hold dear. 

They find fulfillment in sharing their resources, whether it's their time, creativity, or material possessions.


In summary, those who are passionate about giving gifts do so for a multitude of reasons. 

It brings them personal joy, strengthens their relationships, and allows them to express their affection and creativity. 

It's a way of creating cherished memories and spreading happiness, ultimately connecting people in a meaningful and generous way.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. The Joy of Giving
  2. Spreading Happiness
  3. Bringing People Together
  4. Celebrating Special Occasions
  5. Feeling Generous
  6. Conclusion