Psychologist's Explanation: What is Hypochondria

04.09.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) defines it as "concern that physical symptoms are signs of a serious illness, even when there is no medical evidence to support the presence of the illness."

What is hypochondria

Hypochondria (hypochondriac disorder) is a mental disorder, which is characterized by a painful experience about one's own health, manifested by suspicions of the presence of a serious, incurable or deadly disease.

Hypochondria occurs in both men and women.

How to know if you have hypochondria

The main symptom of hypochondria is hypertrophied anxiety about the state of one's health.

It is characteristic of all forms, but it can find different ways of expression - obsessive thoughts, ideas, and in severe cases it manifests itself in the form of delirium. Intrusive ideas.


Signs of hypochondria

The main symptom of a hypochondriacal disorder is a strong anxiety about the state of one's health.

This symptom is inherent in all forms of hypochondria, but may have a different manifestation. For example, obsessive thoughts, endless trips to doctors, severe delirium.

What is the danger of hypochondria for a person

If hypochondria is not treated, it can have serious consequences for the psyche.

Therefore, if you notice signs of a hypochondriacal disorder in yourself or your loved one, this is an occasion to seek medical help.

Hypochondria can affect people of any age group and significantly reduce a person's standard of living.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is hypochondria
  2. How to know if you have hypochondria
  3. Signs of hypochondria
  4. What is the danger of hypochondria for a person