Psychologist's Explanation: What is Self-EsteemPsychologist's Explanation: What is Self-Esteem

12.08.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


Respect is the recognition of the dignity of the individual, a careful, tactful attitude towards another person, attention to his interests, beliefs, recognition of equality of rights. Self-respect is a respectful attitude of a person towards himself, his personality.

What is self respect

Self-respect means to notice in yourself what you realize as valuable and important. First of all - your needs, emotions and life values. In addition, for this it is necessary to feel them and imagine your own system of values, that is, to have personal ethics experienced in real experience.

What is self-esteem

Behavior that reflects a worthy attitude towards oneself, including self-care, self-respect and sincerity towards oneself, as well as a focus on the manifestation (development) of one's best qualities, is defined as a characteristic of self-esteem.

What is a sense of self

This is the recognition of oneself as the center of one's life, the readiness to rely only on oneself and the fundamental rejection of dependence. This is taking responsibility for your life. Another concept that is often identified with self-esteem is pride.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is self respect
  2. What is self-esteem
  3. What is a sense of self