Research in Psychology: How High Levels of Self-Control and Feelings of Regret Are Interconnected

13.06.2023 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

You have probably regretted something more than once. In the article, we will talk about one of the possible reasons for your feelings from a scientific point of view.

Where does regret come from

Research has shown that a person with more self-control experiences more regret. For example, you may want to appreciate the present moment and enjoy, but looking back, resent the sacrifices you had to make.

To study this phenomenon, Professor Ran Kivets of Columbia University and his doctoral student Anat Keinan asked university graduates to remember their winter vacation, which was 40 years ago.

The results of the study showed that adult graduates often regretted that there was too much self-control in their youth and childhood.

Participants experienced regrets about what they did to themselves in pleasure, travel, opportunities.


Moreover, the feeling of regret was much stronger than the guilt for imprudent acts in that period of life. For example, for absenteeism from the university.

In addition, scientists have found that real students have a different opinion. They believe that self-control is preferable to indulgence.

Only in terms of a lifetime could the graduates understand how much richer their lives could be if they practiced a little less self-denial.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource