Why you shouldn’t enter into a new relationship immediately after a divorce: expert opinion

08.03.2024 00:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Many people have heard that getting into a relationship right after a divorce is not a good idea. In the article we will tell you what this is connected with.

Why you shouldn't enter into a new relationship immediately after a divorce

The psychologist assured that if you immediately enter into a new relationship, the person will mold the new partner into the image that he is used to seeing next to him, and will also use familiar patterns of behavior.

The person uses patterns of behavior that were not entirely successful in past relationships.

How long should you wait before entering into a new relationship

Of course, there is no magic number for how long to wait before starting a new relationship, think months rather than weeks.

Some psychologists recommend waiting a month each year you've been in a relationship before getting back into the next one.


How to understand that you are ready for a new relationship

There are some signs that you are ready for a new relationship after a breakup or divorce.

You have been sad enough and are past the grieving stage.

After all, parting is always difficult and painful.

It is important to allow yourself to experience all emotions and not suppress feelings.

You have let go of your previous relationship if you don’t want to prove anything to anyone with a new relationship and you are comfortable being alone.

Another good sign is that you are not afraid that the new relationship may not work out.

Previously, we talked about how to improve relationships after a strong quarrel.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why you shouldn't enter into a new relationship immediately after a divorce
  2. How long should you wait before entering into a new relationship
  3. How to understand that you are ready for a new relationship