

While trying to stay productive and hardworking, you should never forget about having proper rest. Just a day-off can sometimes be extremely useful for your mental health and productivity.

Kate Yakimchuk holidays weekend productivity day off Psychology 5 January 2024

If you love guests, then you probably need a convenient and cozy place to invite them too. Most people spend time with their guests in living rooms, so you can improve it to make it even better for guests.

Kate Yakimchuk guest zone interior tips remodeling living room House Design 27 December 2023

While some people might find it hard to concentrate on work, others find it hard to actually rest. Having rest doesn't mean not working - and that's why people forget how to rest when they have time for it.

Kate Yakimchuk active rest mental health weekend work Psychology 18 December 2023

Different people have different views on what perfect rest should look like. While some people prefer to have busy weekends to do all things they plan to do, others just relax at home without doing anything useful.

Kate Yakimchuk weekend exhaustion active rest sleep routine Psychology 9 December 2023

If you work remotely, then you probably have a convenient workplace in your house where you can concentrate and be productive. The thing is, this place is better to be separated from the resting zones of your house, or you won't be able to work or rest properly.

Kate Yakimchuk workplace interior tips House Design 29 October 2023