

Social media sometimes has a negative impact on a person. In this article, we will tell you how.

Diana Dashkevich social media mental health self-esteem psychologist tips Psychology 1 May 2024

Gadgets can be harmful to human health. In this article, we will tell you what is important to know.

Diana Dashkevich bad habits mental health health facts Psychology 24 March 2024

Smartphones are always with us, and we use them multiple times a day – no wonder they contain lots of bacteria, germs, and dirt on their surfaces. While it might be invisible, you can easily see all the dirt on a cloth after you wipe it down.

Kate Yakimchuk gadget cleaning cleaning tips hygiene tips Helpful tips 27 January 2024

A recent study has found that excessive smartphone usage can be detrimental to individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The research examined the relationship between OCD symptoms and Problematic Smartphone Use (PSU) scores.

Kate Yakimchuk research ocd mental health compulsive behaviors Psychology 15 January 2024

Phubbing is a form of neglect that occurs when you are distracted by your phone instead of engaging in conversation.

Diana Dashkevich phone habits mental health fun facts Psychology 3 January 2024

To clean the transparent case, bleach in the form of powder, liquid, or spray is suitable. Dilute the detergent in warm water in a ratio of 1:10, apply the solution to a sponge or cotton pad and treat the surface of the case. For severe stains, use a toothbrush.

Diana Dashkevich cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips 9 November 2023

Silicone is an amazing material for things like phone cases - it's soft, light, and pretty durable. Meanwhile, it can collect dirt quickly, especially when it's soft - so you should clean your phone case regularly.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning case tips Helpful tips 19 October 2023