Последние новости за 23 декабря 2023 года


Even in an apartment, a child can get hurt or injured. In this article we will tell you how to make your home a safe place for a small child.

Диана Дашкевич children children safety home safety interior tips House Design

For most people, Christmas holidays are the time when they don't think about what they eat, or how much they eat - it's relaxation time! Meanwhile, if you don't want to overeat and feel bad, then you should be careful with your diet during holidays.

Kate Yakimchuk feast holidays christmas food healthy diet nutrition Cooking

Police dogs are extremely useful - they can help to find missing people and items because of their amazing sense of smell. But how do specialists train these dogs so well that they understand what they should look for?

Kate Yakimchuk police dogs dog training pets dogs nature Animals

Regularly sleeping less than 5 hours a night can increase the risk of developing various depressive symptoms. We used to believe that poor sleep was merely a consequence of various mental health issues, but this new data shows that the ties between sleep and mental illness is more intricate than previously thought.

Kate Yakimchuk sleep patterns mental health research depression anxiety Psychology

Сегодня суббота, 23 декабря 2023 года. 357-й день года по григорианскому календарю. До окончания остается 8 дней.

Елена Шимановская Луна календарь церковь история народные приметы праздники сегодня какой сегодня праздник праздники в декабре Праздники