Последние новости за 24 декабря 2023 года


Ожидается повышение минимальной зарплаты и зарплат бюджетников, вступят в силу изменения в Трудовой и Налоговый кодексы.

Тимур Хомичев Беларусь изменение изменения в январе изменения с 1 января нововведения в январе Общество

Intelligent birds and animals can be depressed too - and you can even see the signs of it. For instance, if you have a parrot, then you can clearly notice the signs of depression of this intelligent and social bird.

Kate Yakimchuk parrots bird facts animal facts depression signs Animals

If you don't want a simple classic chair in your living room, then you can buy a modern bag chair. These chairs are light, easy to use, and quite comfortable as well, so they are perfect for modern and relaxed designs.

Kate Yakimchuk bag chair furniture choosing interior tips chairs House Design

Узнайте, какими будут ближайшие семь дней, к чему готовиться, чего избегать, чтобы не упустить ничего важного.

Елена Гутыро астрология прогноз знаки зодиака гороскоп на неделю Гороскопы

A beautiful pond can completely transform your garden, especially if you take good care of it. One of the most important things you can do is to choose a good place for your garden pond - that can save lots of time and effort in the future.

Kate Yakimchuk pond gardening tips garden work planning ideas Garden

Такое заявление сделал командир 2-го мехбатальона отдельной президентской бригады ВСУ Игорь Губаренко.

Тимур Хомичев Украина ВСУ армия Вооруженные Силы отказники Политика

Lithops blooms from August to November. The buds are just emerging from the crack. Flowering can last about 10 days.

Диана Дашкевич plants houseplants plants tips gardening tips Garden

По словам министра, если Запад позволит президенту России Владимиру Путину одержать победу в Украине, последствия будут невероятно жесткими для Европы, Великобритании и всего мира.

Тимур Хомичев Грант Шэппс Великобритания Украина Россия конфликт в Украине В мире

Scientists are examining the reasons behind ongoing aggression in female fruit flies. They have pinpointed particular cell types in the flies' brains that are linked to aggression.

Kate Yakimchuk anger issues research behavior science mood Psychology

Not only pests, but also other insects can become a huge problem in your garden. For instance, wasps or hornets can be quite aggressive and dangerous, so you have to get rid of them quickly.

Kate Yakimchuk hornets wasps insects hornet nest gardening tips Garden

People often talk about how bad lots of screen time is, but now they have proof! In a new experiment, researchers discovered that those using smartphones for more than 4 hours daily had higher rates of various mental health issues and substance use.

Kate Yakimchuk research teenagers screen time mental health personality Psychology