Последние новости за 16 сентября 2023 года

a fly

No one likes fruit flies, but lots of people often notice them in their kitchens, especially when it's hot outside. It doesn't always mean that you're bad at cleaning - some of your habits and lifestyle choices just attract these pests, so you need to find out what exactly you do wrong.

Kate Yakimchuk flies pests cleaning tips trash Helpful tips

Какие витамины и полезные вещества содержит миндаль и почему он так полезен для организма.

Игорь Зур здоровье питание орехи витамины организм Минск

Почему цветет вода и когда ее лучше не использовать для полива культурных растений.

Игорь Зур сад дача вода растения Минск

A good couch can cost lots of money, so it's better to be not only pretty, but also comfortable! Unfortunately, not all of them end up being comfortable or even practical, so you should choose them really wisely.

Kate Yakimchuk couch furniture choosing comfort House Design
Знаки зодиака

Три знака зодиака, которые сходят с ума, когда другие добиваются успеха в том, что им нравится.

Игорь Зур астрология знаки зодиака характер психология зависть Минск

Gentle products will help with small deposits - soap, dishwashing gel, washing powder solution. To remove local contaminants, use alcohol or table vinegar.

Диана Дашкевич plastic materials cleaning lifehacks Helpful tips

Radish is a great ingredient for many healthy dishes , and it contains a huge amount of nutrients that are great for your overall health. If you don't have a garden, then you can always grow them at home just on your windowsill - it's easy!

Kate Yakimchuk radish gardening tips Garden

Что нужно сделать с орхидеей, чтобы она выпустила новые побеги и начала цвести.

Игорь Зур цветы уход советы хитрости орхидея Минск

According to the rules of etiquette, the tablecloth should be 20-40 cm larger than the tabletop on each side, so when choosing the size of the tablecloth, you should focus on the dimensions and shape of the tabletop. For rectangular and square tables, tablecloths that match the shape are used.

Диана Дашкевич tablecloth interior advices tips House Design

Vegans care a lot about the environment and animals, so they need more vegan food options that can help them. Scientists are finding new ways to create tasty vegan seafood, so they've used a special printer to make squid rings from algae and beans. 

Kate Yakimchuk research food vegan science Cooking

If you love pet fish, then it's often tempting to buy as many different kinds of fish as you can to live in your fish tank - but it's not always a good idea. Some fish tend to prey on others, and some fish simply can't get along, and you should always keep that in mind.

Kate Yakimchuk fish pets tips Animals
Кот Животные

Три породы кошек, которые хотят постоянно быть рядом с хозяином и считаются самыми дружелюбными.

Игорь Зур питомцы кошки люди породы воспитание Минск

A solution of soda and vinegar whitens and cleans surfaces well. Sprinkle baking soda onto the stain and rub the powder with a rag dampened with vinegar. You can add liquid soap to the components of the composition. Leave the resulting foam for about twenty minutes, then clean the surface and wash with clean water.

Диана Дашкевич Windows cleaning cleaning tips lifehacks Helpful tips

We all have failures sometimes - some are minor, some are major, and it's normal. The key is to stay motivated and keep on working afterwards, but how to achieve that?

Kate Yakimchuk motivation personality self-esteem Psychology