Последние новости за 3 сентября 2023 года


Украина рассчитывает на американские танки, а Соединенные Штаты готовят новый пакет военной помощи Киеву.

Игорь Зур Донбасс Крымский мост ВСУ США вооружение Политика

Любая хозяйка, взявшаяся за приготовление пирога или булочек, рассчитывает на появление у мучных изделий яркого вкуса.

Курчев Антон выпечка приготовление еды масло мука вкус Кулинария

Близнецам нравятся приключения, а Весы удивятся своей удаче.

Сергей Туманов астрология прогноз гороскоп знаки зодиака Гороскопы
apple tree

Most people assume that planting fruit trees should only happen in spring, but it's not always true. Planting apple trees in the fall has several advantages that contribute to their successful establishment and growth.

Kate Yakimchuk apples trees gardening seasons Garden

Оказывается, эти деревья не должны расти возле дома - вот что говорят приметы.

Игорь Зур дом деревья посадка приметы здоровье Минск

Откуда пошло это поверье, что жене нельзя стричь мужа, и как объяснить примету.

Игорь Зур приметы волосы стрижка супруги отношения Минск
dog owner

In a recent study that wagged its tail at traditional therapies, the spotlight has shone brightly on the remarkable benefits of pairing assistance dogs with veterans for enhancing mental well-being. This particular study directed its focus towards defense veterans, revealing a striking revelation – a whopping 90 percent of participants reported noteworthy enhancements in post-traumatic stress, depression, and anxiety, a year post their alliance with an assistance dog.

Kate Yakimchuk research dogs assistance brain Psychology

Кроме обоняния и слуха у кошек отличная память, что позволяет им находить дорогу домой.

Игорь Зур кошки питомцы поведение память дом Минск

Seeds germinate excellently even without soaking in damp gauze and germinate within 7-10 days after sowing.

Диана Дашкевич fruits gardening plants tips Garden
cozy bedroom

It's easy to create great interiors when you have lots of money, but what if you're on a budget? Creating a cozy and inviting bedroom doesn't have to break the bank. 

Kate Yakimchuk bedroom makeover budget tips House Design

The main idea of white tea is to preserve the tea leaf in the form in which it grows on a bush, preserving the maximum of natural, natural with minimal human impact. Properly prepared white tea has a lot of useful properties: it can give strength and relieve insomnia.

Диана Дашкевич drinks tea health Cooking
smart bulb

Smart light bulbs have gained popularity due to their convenience, energy efficiency, and customization options.  You can use them basically anywhere, and control them through your smartphone or remote controller.

Kate Yakimchuk bulbs lighting tips interior House Design

Как подкармливать взрослый виноград - советы, которые помогут собрать хороший урожай.

Игорь Зур сад виноград подкормка урожай Минск

Social phobia, or social phobia, is a disorder that is expressed in the fear of interacting with people. Almost any action in which there is a risk of communication can become a trigger for experiences: talking on the phone, speaking in public, taking an exam, going to the store.

Диана Дашкевич mental health fears facts Psychology
flower pot

Your beautiful flowers don't have to stay on the ground - you can lift them to your eye level easily! Hanging flower pots offer several benefits and advantages that make them a popular choice for gardening and decorating. 

Kate Yakimchuk flowers pots tips gardening Garden