Последние новости за 21 января 2024 года

Люди Снег

Дмитрий Рябов рассказал белорусам о непростых погодных условиях последней недели января.

Игорь Зур Дмитрий Рябов погода на неделю прогноз погоды осадки температура Общество

Спецслужбы располагают необходимой информацией о подготовке Украиной и Польшей диверсантов для госпереворота в Беларуси.

Игорь Зур Беларусь Александр Вольфович диверсия спецслужбы СМИ | Средства массовой информации Общество

В народе праздник называют Емельянов день. Связан день с различными правилами, о которых не стоит забывать, чтобы не навлечь на свой дом проблемы.

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Сегодня вы узнаете о простом и эффективном методе подкормки помидоров, который позволит вам получить обильный урожай, используя всего две подкормки.

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If you want your diet to be healthier, then sugar is the first thing that has to go. The thing is, you can find sugar in most products, so it might be hard to get rid of it completely.

Kate Yakimchuk sugar healthy food nutrition healthy diet candy Cooking

Chicory root is a good source of dietary fiber, which is important for digestion and can help lower cholesterol and improve heart health.

Диана Дашкевич drinks health health facts healthy food Cooking

They discovered that the brain's memory areas actually store information like a photographic negative, which is the opposite of what we see. This means that when we look at something, the parts of our brain that process what we see become active, while the memory areas become less active.

Kate Yakimchuk research memory forming brain activity science neurons Psychology

Scientists discovered that a protein called phosphorylated -synuclein, which is associated with diseases like Parkinson's and Lewy body dementia, also has a role in how the brain communicates normally. When a phosphate ion is added to -synuclein, it changes the way the protein looks and behaves.

Kate Yakimchuk research brain activity brain wires science health Psychology

Osteospermum will feel comfortable in windless and completely exposed to the sun places with a low level of groundwater.

Диана Дашкевич flowers gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden

Spaniels are distinguished by their energetic, cheerful and good-natured character. They love to play and are very attached to their owner and his family members. They get along well with small children, but can conflict with pets. The dogs are hunting breeds, passionate and hardy.

Диана Дашкевич pets dogs breeds dog breeds pets facts Animals

Leather is an extremely long-lasting material, and that's why it's so expensive! Meanwhile, it can also be easily damaged, especially when it's footwear or jackets.

Kate Yakimchuk leather care washing tips maintenance cleaning tips Helpful tips