Why cats love boxes so much: Learn more about your pet

28.09.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Have you ever bought a fancy house for your cat just to realize that it loves its box more?

Cats really enjoy boxes - no matter how big or small they are, they will always try to get inside and sit there.

Let's try to find out why.

Safety and Comfort

Boxes provide a cozy, enclosed space that makes cats feel safe and secure. 

In the wild, small spaces offer protection from predators, so cats instinctively seek out similar spots.

cat in a box


Boxes are often made of materials like cardboard that retain heat, making them warm and inviting for cats. 

Cats love warm places to rest, especially if they're feeling chilly.

Hunting and Play

Boxes make excellent hiding spots for cats. They can stalk and pounce on imaginary prey or their human's feet as they pass by the box. 

It satisfies their natural hunting instincts.

Reduced Stress

Boxes can serve as a retreat when a cat wants some quiet time or feels overwhelmed. 

Having a familiar and safe place to retreat to can reduce stress and anxiety.


Cats are naturally curious creatures. When a new box appears, it's like a new adventure for them. 

They want to explore it, scratch it, and figure out what's inside.

Scent Marking

Cats have scent glands on their cheeks and paws. Rubbing against the inside of a box leaves their scent behind, marking it as their territory. 

This can help them feel more secure.


Cats sometimes want alone time, and a box provides a secluded space where they can nap or just relax without being disturbed.


Cats love the comfort and privacy of boxes - so give your cat a box and let it enjoy it!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Safety and Comfort
  2. Warmth
  3. Hunting and Play
  4. Reduced Stress
  5. Curiosity
  6. Scent Marking
  7. Privacy
  8. Conclusion