

If you have lots of items, then you need lots of storage space - or else your house will always look and feel clattered. Even simple solutions like cardboard boxes can help, you can sort all your items and store them safely.

Kate Yakimchuk storage tips ideas House Design 19 October 2023
cat in a box

Have you ever bought a fancy house for your cat just to realize that it loves its box more? Cats really enjoy boxes - no matter how big or small they are, they will always try to get inside and sit there.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats habits Animals 28 September 2023
cat box

Cats have a well-known and almost universal affinity for boxes, and there are several reasons why they love them so much. They can sleep, hide, or just sit in boxes, regardless of their size, without paying any attention to their cat beds or houses.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets pets facts Animals 24 July 2023