

Currant is a berry that is rich in vitamin C and iron. It only needs a few conditions to grow.

Diana Dashkevich currant plants garden and gardening advice for gardeners Garden 7 June 2024

Over the course of a year of growth in the garden, jasmine adds about 25 cm. In addition, the shrub has a pleasant aroma.

Diana Dashkevich flowers jasmine garden and gardening advice for gardeners Garden 27 May 2024

Growing and caring for honeysuckle is quite simple. Water the bush as needed, remove weeds, apply fertilizer and loosen the soil.

Diana Dashkevich berries gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 3 February 2024

Lilac does not tolerate waterlogging, so you should choose a place with low groundwater (no more than 1.5 m) and good drainage. A gentle slope is perfect for planting, and in low-lying areas, lilacs are planted on a hill.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants care Garden 2 February 2024

It is better to plant especially tall bushes and trees in a well-lit sunny place, but with light shading during the hottest time of the day (from 12-00 to 14-00). Then the needles of the plants will be brighter. For low-growing and creeping species, you can choose a site in slight partial shade.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants care Garden 30 January 2024

It is better to choose a planting site so that it is not exposed to spring floods. Shrubs can be planted both on flat areas and on slopes. Avoid planting on south-facing slopes, as they are drier, plants bloom earlier, and there is a risk of frost damage.

Diana Dashkevich trees nuts gardening tips plants care Garden 5 January 2024

Lilac grows in any garden soil, but prefers black soil and moderately fertile soil.

Diana Dashkevich gardening plants gardening tips plants tips Garden 4 December 2023

If you've seen amazing gardens decorated with topiary, then you already know that it might look just amazing! While it seems that you have to hire a professional to do it, it's actually not like that - you can try doing it by yourself.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening topiary tips Garden 26 November 2023

Spiraea grows quite quickly, 20-30 cm per year. has a fibrous root system. The shrub is unpretentious in care and has high drought and frost resistance. The diversity of species allows the use of spirea in landscape styles of various directions.

Diana Dashkevich flowers plants tips Garden 16 November 2023

It grows quickly, reaching a height of up to 4 m and a diameter of 3 m. The peak of plant development occurs in the 8th year after planting. The leaves are 3-5 lobed, rich green, red-orange in autumn. It blooms for a month in mid-May and early June.

Diana Dashkevich berries gardening Garden 16 November 2023

When planting, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the shrub does not like drafts and strong gusts of wind. Heat-loving forsythia feels good in illuminated, sunny areas and in partial shade.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips Garden 28 October 2023

The soil should be loose and light. You cannot compact it or trample it. This is because mahonia grows slowly, and compacted soil can create additional difficulties, thereby slowing its growth even further. The distance between seedlings is at least one meter.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening gardening tips Garden 28 October 2023

The illumination should be good, but without direct sunlight. During the period of budding and flowering, the pot with the bush should not be rearranged from its original place and even turned the other side to the light source.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening Garden 2 September 2023

The hawthorn shrub is not picky about the soil, but grows best on deep, moderately moist and well-drained fertile soils. Unpretentious in culture, photophilous and winter-hardy.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants care Garden 6 August 2023

The fruits are juicy, but have a bitter astringent taste; after the first frost, the bitterness disappears or becomes less. The fruits ripen in August - September. Viburnum can live up to 50 years or more.

Diana Dashkevich berries gardening gardening tips Garden 30 July 2023

Rosehip is an evergreen plant of the Rosaceae family. Fruits and leaves have useful properties, so they contain vitamins and nutrients.

Diana Dashkevich gardening plants tips plants care Garden 22 July 2023

Juniper is a beautiful evergreen tree with a pleasant aroma. In the article we will tell you how to grow a tree in your garden.

Diana Dashkevich trees gardening gardening tips Garden 20 July 2023

Japanese Andromeda is a flowering shrub of the Heather family. The plant will become a real decoration for your garden.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening plants tips plants care Garden 12 July 2023

Barberry is a shrub plant. Barberry berries have a strongly pronounced sour taste and are used to make compotes, liqueurs, syrups, jams, marshmallows, sweets and jellies.

Diana Dashkevich berries gardening plants care Garden 12 July 2023

The common oleander is a reliable and highly adaptable plant. In the article you will learn about the features of care.

Diana Dashkevich flowers gardening plants care Garden 11 July 2023