

Hazelnuts are an extremely healthy nut. Such food even helps fight stress.

Diana Dashkevich health health facts vitamins food Cooking 15 May 2024

Walnuts are a very healthy and tasty snack food. In this article we will tell you how many walnuts you can eat daily.

Diana Dashkevich healthy food food health facts vitamins Cooking 9 May 2024

Pistachios are an extremely healthy food for many. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of pistachios for human health.

Diana Dashkevich health health facts food nutrition facts Cooking 30 April 2024

In taste and in appearance, pecans are similar to walnuts, only their kernels are without partitions, and they have a softer and more delicate taste and are not bitter.

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants tips trees Garden 8 February 2024

Manchurian walnuts are planted in two ways: either immediately in a permanent place, or in a garden bed.

Diana Dashkevich trees gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 29 January 2024

Beloved by many, hazelnuts or hazelnuts are a real storehouse of vegetable protein, dietary fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids.

Diana Dashkevich health healthy food healthy diet health facts Cooking 14 January 2024

Almonds are a bright, fragrant, sweet-tart nut. And if these are fresh autumn almonds, then all their wonderful properties are enhanced several times. That’s why almonds often appear in completely unexpected recipes - their unique aroma and astringency of taste cannot be replaced by anything.

Diana Dashkevich almonds health health facts food facts Cooking 9 January 2024

The taste of nutmeg is very recognizable: sharp, with aromatic woody notes. Cooked dishes with this nut leave a pleasant, fresh aftertaste. The aroma of nutmeg is hot and spicy, with hints of cardamom and cinnamon. Due to its strong aroma, it is famous all over the world.

Diana Dashkevich spices health health facts food facts Cooking 9 January 2024

It is better to choose a planting site so that it is not exposed to spring floods. Shrubs can be planted both on flat areas and on slopes. Avoid planting on south-facing slopes, as they are drier, plants bloom earlier, and there is a risk of frost damage.

Diana Dashkevich bush trees gardening tips plants care Garden 5 January 2024

The product has a subtle sweet taste with notes of almonds, reminiscent of skim milk.

Diana Dashkevich milk almonds nutrition facts food facts Cooking 28 December 2023

Macadamia nuts have a sweet, creamy flavor and a fatty texture. The nut has a spicy vanilla aroma with hints of almond, which is why it is often added to desserts.

Diana Dashkevich nutrition nutrition facts vitamins healthy food Cooking 26 December 2023

Pine nuts have a delicate sweetish oily taste, slightly pine-like, and very aromatic. The nut, suitable for consumption, does not have a bitter taste.

Diana Dashkevich nutrition facts healthy food vitamins Cooking 18 December 2023

Peanuts contain antioxidants - substances that fight dangerous free radicals.

Diana Dashkevich peanuts food healthy food healthy diet Cooking 18 December 2023

The tubers that are found on the roots of the plant are edible. They are eaten raw or fried and soaked in water before consumption.

Diana Dashkevich health food Cooking 21 October 2023

If there is not enough sun and heat in your area, then it is better to plant peanuts as seedlings or grow them in a greenhouse. Its beans hatch quite quickly, and it is better to plant them in loose, breathable soil. It grows even on loam and sandy soil; I planted it in a mixture of black soil, sand and peat.

Diana Dashkevich peanuts gardening plants tips Garden 20 October 2023

Pecan is a nut with a particularly delicate flavor. It has a smooth, creamy taste with notes of shortbread, and a subtle aroma.

Diana Dashkevich health food vitamins Cooking 14 October 2023

Macadamia nuts have a sweet, creamy flavor and a fatty consistency. Due to the high content of healthy fats, the nut is quite high in calories and can be consumed instead of regular sweets. The nut has a spicy vanilla aroma with hints of almond, which is why it is often added to desserts.

Diana Dashkevich food health facts Cooking 22 September 2023

When it comes to losing weight, some people worry about eating nuts because they're high in fat.  However, a new study from the University of South Australia found that eating almonds can actually help you lose weight.

Kate Yakimchuk research almonds weight nutrition Cooking 21 September 2023