Don’t break an egg with a knife: mistakes of every second housewife

12.04.2022 19:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 22:10

Most of housewives break an egg with a dish’s edge in which they are cooking, with a knife, with an edge of a pot or a frying pan.

Only a few people know how to break eggs correctly.

Typical mistakes in cooking eggs

When we break an egg with the edge of a dish and try to pour it into the dish or on the frying pan, an eggshell usually gets inside the utensils. 

It may not happen, but it happens frequently. Surely, if you break some eggs, it will be easier to get out an eggshell.

However, if you cook a dish for one person, it is hard to get small pieces of an eggshell out.

Foto: Pixabay

A knife and an egg

If you break an egg with a knife, an eggshell may crush into small pieces. Pieces of an eggshell will rapidly appear in your food. 

It will take your time and energy to get them out.

Moreover, breaking an egg with a knife will cause an egg yolk damage, so it will spread over the plate. Your dish will not look delicious. 

If a knife is sharp, you may hurt your fingers. That’s why breaking an egg with a knife is not a good idea.

How to break an egg properly?

Take an egg in your hand in such a position that your forefinger and middle finger are up, your ring finger and little finger are down and hold an egg with your big finger. 

Accurately kick an egg on the table, but be careful otherwise you will make a scrambled egg. Then open your fingers up, and your egg will get out of an eggshell.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Typical mistakes in cooking eggs
  2. A knife and an egg
  3. How to break an egg properly?