How to cook hard-boiled eggs properly so that the yolk does not turn green: a simple trick

21.04.2022 11:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 00:09

Surely many people have wondered why the yolk turns green in hard-boiled eggs.

This happens to overcooked eggs when they are in boiling water for a long time.

In this case, the protein becomes rubbery, and the yolk turns green, which looks quite unappetizing.

How to cook hard-boiled eggs correctly

Professionals recommend getting eggs out of the refrigerator in advance before cooking so that they warm up.

Thanks to this, the shell will not crack in hot water.

Foto: Pixabay

Eggs are boiled for no more than 10-12 minutes.

How to cook

Put the eggs in a saucepan in one layer, pour cold water so that it covers them 4-5 cm higher.

Add 1 tablespoon of salt and bring to a boil, then turn down the heat and cook the eggs for 10-12 minutes.

You can also bring the eggs to a boil, turn off the heat and leave them in a saucepan under a lid in hot water for 20 minutes.

Thanks to the salt added to the water, the eggs will be noticeably easier to clean, and even after cooking they must be immersed in cold water for 10 minutes.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. How to cook hard-boiled eggs correctly
  2. How to cook