

While some people might develop strong empathy after experiencing something bad, others might lose it partially or completely. While it doesn't happen to everyone, it's quite possible, and people might not even realize that it happens to them.

Kate Yakimchuk trauma psychologist tips mental health communication Psychology 24 December 2023

Research confirming whether someone is an empath is currently limited.

Diana Dashkevich personality mental health Psychology 19 October 2023

Empathy, our ability to understand and share the feelings of others, often involves mimicking their expressions.  Researchers Naoyoshi Matsuda and Masaki O. Abe from Hokkaido University delved into how inhibiting this mimicry affects our empathy and understanding of others' emotional states. 

Kate Yakimchuk research communication Psychology 1 September 2023
dog owner

Dogs are capable of sensing and responding to their owners' moods and emotions.  They have a strong ability to perceive human emotions through various cues, including facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and even scent. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs owners Animals 29 August 2023

People find different reasons for cheating, and it's not always easy to understand how to stop it. Researchers conducted three double-blind, randomized experiments to investigate whether adopting a partner's point of view could reduce the temptation to cheat in their romantic relationships.

Kate Yakimchuk research cheating relationship Psychology 27 August 2023

Creativity can change someone's life, and sometimes pretty unobvious things can boost your child's creativity skills. New research from the University of Cambridge indicates that teaching children to empathize with others can lead to improvements in their creativity and potentially other positive learning outcomes. 

Kate Yakimchuk research creativity Psychology 19 August 2023

Empathy is an important personality trait that helps you better understand other people. With the help of empathy, a person better understands the motives, feelings and emotions of another person.

Diana Dashkevich mental health brain facts studies Psychology 14 July 2023

If you have developed empathy, you have probably noticed how energy drains from you. In the article, we will share practical tips on how to restore your strength after emotional communication with other people.

Diana Dashkevich mental health emotions advices Psychology 19 May 2023