Expert Advice: What To Do If You Are A Very Empathetic Person

19.05.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

If you have developed empathy, you have probably noticed how energy drains from you. In the article, we will share practical tips on how to restore your strength after emotional communication with other people.

Put yourself first

If you are a very sensitive person, try to take care of yourself and protect yourself from difficult situations and communication.

Remember to take care of yourself first. Look after your mental and physical health.

Do not forget to do your favorite hobby, relax, monitor sleep and nutrition.

Don't settle for things you don't really want to. When you say no, you choose yourself.


Control your screen time

Sometimes the content on social networks is overloaded with different emotions that change very quickly for you.

Try to avoid disturbing news, posts, scary and emotional films.

You can unsubscribe from annoying content, block it, and monitor your screen time in general.

This practice will save your energy and strength.

Set boundaries

To prevent emotional overload, it is important to set boundaries.

Decide for yourself what is permissible for you in communication and what is not.

Do not forget to voice in advance which words or topics to the interlocutor are best avoided.

Thus, you will also prevent discomfort.

If you're experiencing a lot of feelings, try going for a walk, going to the gym, or taking a relaxing bath.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Put yourself first
  2. Control your screen time
  3. Set boundaries