

A new experiment shows that how fathers deal with marital conflict can have an impact on kids. Conflict is common in marriages, and when it happens in families with children, it can sometimes affect the kids.

Kate Yakimchuk research children Psychology 22 October 2023

Lots of men risk being hospitalized due to alcohol-related problems, but researchers seem to find a way to reduce risks. A new study conducted by a team of specialists found that males who take parental leave have a lower risk of being hospitalized due to various alcohol problems.

Kate Yakimchuk research alcohol Psychology 15 October 2023

While most people are already aware that new mothers can have postpartum depression, it turns out that dads can have it as well. A new study shows that approximately one third of all new fathers can become depressed when having their first child.

Kate Yakimchuk research depression family Psychology 15 October 2023
father with a kid

First-time fathers seem to feel a bigger drop in their happiness in the first two years after their first kid is born compared to dads who already have one child. This is what a new experiment found - specialists studied how dads felt about their relationships before and after their first or second kid.

Kate Yakimchuk research children Psychology 5 October 2023