Dads taking parental leave are safer from alcohol problems: A new study

15.10.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Lots of men risk being hospitalized due to alcohol-related problems, but researchers seem to find a way to reduce risks.

A new study conducted by a team of specialists found that males who take parental leave have a lower risk of being hospitalized due to various alcohol problems.

Let's find out more about it.

More about the experiment

Specialists looked at how a policy in Sweden, which encouraged many fathers to take more parental leave, affected this.

Before the experiment, 43 percent of fathers took parental leave, but after it, 75 percent did.


The study showed some impressive results.

After it, there was a 35% drop in alcohol-related hospitalizations among new fathers in the 2 years following the birth of their child.

Smaller decreases were also seen up to 8 and 18 years after birth.

These changes were most noticeable in hospitalizations for alcohol intoxication and alcohol-related mental and behavioral issues.

However, there wasn't a change in alcohol-related deaths.

Why it's important

The specialists believe that these findings could be helpful for policymakers, showing that encouraging fathers to take parental leave not only promotes more equal parenting but can also reduce plenty of alcohol-related problems.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. More about the experiment
  2. Why it's important