Tip of the Day: Is It Possible to Grow Blueberries in Your Garden

27.05.2023 16:25
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Blueberries are delicious, beautiful wild berries. Blueberries differ in their size and aroma. In this article, you will learn what you need to grow blueberries right in your garden.

Planting bushes and caring for them


Blueberry is a photophilous culture. For the growth of blueberries, it is important to choose a lit place where the sun's rays will fall.

If there is not enough light, the shrub will not grow properly, and the berries will not be sweet.

However, beware of places in the garden where there are drafts and shade from the crowns of trees.

The soil

Plant blueberries away from the orchard. Trees are blueberry competitors in water intake.


The earth must be drained and acidic.

Waterlogging of the soil, which is close to groundwater, is not terrible for the dove.

When to plant blueberries

Plant plant seedlings with a closed root system during any growing season.

For an open root system, choose autumn. Therefore, the shrub will have time to take root in the soil before the start of the growing season.

By following these basic rules when planting blueberries, you will get a rich harvest of sweet and large berries.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Planting bushes and caring for them
  2. Light
  3. The soil
  4. When to plant blueberries