How to polish the stove so as not to clean fat every day: the trick of mature housewives

28.03.2022 15:15

The stove always gets dirty faster than other appliances in the kitchen.

During cooking, the stove is splashed with oil, charred particles of food remain on the hob.

Milk pours out during cooking, soups boils away - all this remains on the stove in the form of soot.

In order not to wash the stove every day, the housewives resort to various tricks.

For example, some housewives polish the stove with car wax, which does an excellent job of cleaning up small scratches, and also prevents the appearance of soot and scale.

Foto: Pixabay

Nothing sticks to a waxed slab, and if dirt gets on the surface, it is washed off with a sponge much easier than from a “bare” slab.

First, the plate is degreased with alcohol, then rubbed with car wax.

The stove will be in perfect condition for two weeks, then the effect will be lost.

There are a couple more ways to clean the stove without chemicals to keep it clean.

Housewives use a more budgetary pharmacy remedy - ammonia.

Dilute 1 teaspoon of alcohol in a glass of water, polish the stove with this solution, rinse off after 10-15 minutes.

You can polish the stove first with backing soda, then with vinegar. The stove will literally creak from cleanliness.