Eggs are superior: Nutritionist's advice

09.09.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Chicken eggs are perfect for almost everyone - they are widely used in lots of healthy diets because of how nutritious and healthy they are.

You can lose weight or gain muscles with them, and you can provide your body with everything it needs as well.

Here are a few reasons why nutritionists like eggs so much.

They are extremely nutrient-rich

Eggs are packed with essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are important for our bodies to work correctly and stay healthy.

They contain lots of protein

Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein, which helps our muscles grow, repair, and keep us feeling full.


Vitamins matter

Eggs contain important vitamins like vitamin B12, which is good for our brain and nerves, and vitamin D, which helps our bodies use calcium for strong bones.

You can find vitamins there as well

They also have minerals like selenium, which is good for our immune system, and phosphorus, which is vital for strong teeth and bones.

Some fats are good

Eggs have healthy fats that our bodies need for various functions, including making hormones.

They aren't calorie-dense

Eggs are relatively low in calories, which means you can enjoy their nutrients without eating too many calories.

So many ways to cook them

You can prepare eggs in many different ways, making them a versatile and tasty addition to your meals.


A long list of healthy nutrients is conveniently packed inside a small shell - so it's your perfect food to consume regularly!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. They are extremely nutrient-rich
  2. They contain lots of protein
  3. Vitamins matter
  4. You can find vitamins there as well
  5. Some fats are good
  6. They aren't calorie-dense
  7. So many ways to cook them
  8. Conclusion