

Have you ever noticed that your dog seems to feel and understand time without actually understanding clocks? It's not just you - lots of people notice that dogs actually have inner clocks that can help them understand time better.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets Animals 11 Ноября 2023

One of the first things a psychologist or a therapist says to their clients is that it takes time to actually see your progress. Therapy isn't a one-day thing, so you should be ready to spend quite a while before it can actually help you.

Kate Yakimchuk therapy personality trauma Psychology 2 Октября 2023

Have you ever felt like you work too much and can't relax properly? Finding time for yourself when you have a demanding work schedule can be challenging, but it's essential for your well-being and work-life balance. 

Kate Yakimchuk hobby self-love tips Psychology 4 Сентября 2023

Some people may think that "it takes two weeks" or "it takes 28 days" to form a habit. In fact, there are no magic numbers that can help us understand how much time we need to make a new habit.

Kate Yakimchuk research habits Psychology 31 Августа 2023
pasta cooking

You don't have to choose between taste and time-saving - you just need to know some cooking hacks! Cooking hacks are clever techniques and shortcuts that can help you save time in the kitchen without compromising the quality of your meals. 

Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips Cooking 26 Августа 2023
garden clock

Gardening can be pretty time-consuming, especially if you garden is pretty big and diverse. If you find yourself short on time to maintain your garden, there are still several strategies you can implement to keep it looking presentable without investing too much effort. 

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips Garden 26 Августа 2023

If you want to have a huge garden, then it can be very time-consuming, but it's not the main goal for every gardener. Spending just an hour a day on gardening can still allow you to maintain a well-kept and enjoyable garden. 

Kate Yakimchuk gardening hobby tips Garden 20 Августа 2023

The timing of your dinner in relation to when you go to sleep can have an impact on your digestion, sleep quality, and overall health.  It's generally recommended to allow some time between dinner and bedtime to avoid potential issues. 

Kate Yakimchuk dinner health sleep Cooking 16 Августа 2023

Dinner is just as important a meal as breakfast. In the article we will tell you when it is better to have dinner.

Диана Дашкевич food dinner health food facts Cooking 28 Июля 2023

The perception of time is a subjective concept. In the article we will tell you what is the reason for the fact that time goes faster with age.

Диана Дашкевич life childhood facts Psychology 20 Июля 2023

Optimizing your time and your work schedule can greatly improve your productivity. In the article you will find a guide on which clock to choose for work and household chores.

Диана Дашкевич mental health schedule tips Psychology 22 Апреля 2023

Громкая надпись на обложке указывает, что Трамп является первым в истории США экс-президентом со статусом уголовного обвиняемого.

Елена Гутыро Дональд Трамп суд деньги уголовное дело Общество 6 Апреля 2023
Журнал Time назвал 2020 год худшим в истории

5 декабря американский журнал Time опубликовал обложку нового выпуска, на которой 2020 год назван худшим в истории.

Тимур Хомичев США журнал СМИ | Средства массовой информации кризис В мире 5 Декабря 2020