

If you have kids, then you should do everything you can to keep your house safe for them. One of the most important things you should do is to keep your kids safe from various cleaning chemicals.

Kate Yakimchuk children safety cleaning solutions chemicals storage Helpful tips 4 January 2024

New research shows that the way alcohol affects our bodies in relation to cardiovascular disease (CVD) is more complicated than we thought. In this study, scientists looked at how alcohol consumption affects certain substances called metabolites that circulate in our bodies.

Kate Yakimchuk alcohol research heart health healthy food Cooking 3 January 2024

Holidays are perfect for relaxing and having fun, and that's why it's so hard to come back to work afterwards. People keep thinking about their great holidays and can't concentrate on work, and it may last for days and even weeks.

Kate Yakimchuk home office work productivity remote work Psychology 3 January 2024
sugar glider

There are lots of small and cute animals that seem to be perfect pets for people who love everything exotic and cute. For instance, lots of people adore sugar gliders, but it doesn't mean that they should be kept as pets.

Kate Yakimchuk sugar gliders pets facts nature pets Animals 3 January 2024

If you are single, or simply lack friends, then you might feel pretty lonely sometimes - it happens to many people. It might be emotionally draining to experience it constantly, so you should do something about it.

Kate Yakimchuk loneliness living room relationship communication Psychology 3 January 2024

While interior fashion and trends change constantly, it's often easy to see the patterns and predict what's going to be popular next year. If you want to have a house makeover, or remodel your living space slightly, then this article is for you.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips house makeover remodeling trends House Design 3 January 2024

Bells are beautiful flowers – they are gentle and sophisticated, and they can add special romantic beauty to your garden. Growing them requires some special conditions, but if your garden fits perfectly, then you can easily grow them.

Kate Yakimchuk bells flowers gardening tips garden flowers Garden 3 January 2024

When it comes to being a good pet owner to your cat, everything seems easy - you are supposed to feed your cat and clean its litter box regularly. Meanwhile, lots of pet owners don't realize that they make some mistakes that can potentially harm their fluffy friend.

Kate Yakimchuk domestic cats pets facts behavior training Animals 3 January 2024

Modern people love gadgets and gaming, and create beautiful setups for their hobby and entertainment. While modern consoles look pretty stylish, they still should be integrated in your living room wisely, so they won't ruin its aesthetics.

Kate Yakimchuk video games gaming console interior fashion House Design 2 January 2024

If you love unusual flowers with subtle, delicate beauty, then try growing lilies of the valley - they look stunning! Resilient and still gentle, these flowers don't always need too much to grow well, but they still need some proper conditions.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips flowers plants tips lilies Garden 2 January 2024

Puppies need training, so they can learn some good habits and avoid the unpleasant ones. For instance, if your puppy bites you (whether it's aggression or playfulness), then you have to stop it.

Kate Yakimchuk puppies puppy training dog aggression biting Animals 1 January 2024

It's not always easy to forgive people who hurt you, and it's even harder for some people. Meanwhile, forgetting people is important, because your hard feeling towards them can hurt you even more.

Kate Yakimchuk resentment forgiveness mental health self care Psychology 1 January 2024

Teaching your kids is your main priority, but sometimes it's not that easy to achieve real understanding. Mutual understanding is hard to reach because of the generation gap, but it's totally possible - you just need to know how.

Kate Yakimchuk parenting tips child development responsibility teaching Psychology 31 December 2023

If you actually want your New Year to be different, then you should learn to let the old things go. This tip is suitable for many things, including your house - so it's decluttering time!

Kate Yakimchuk new year decluttering clutter organization Helpful tips 31 December 2023

If you can't ignore the irrelevant data easily, then try learning a new language - it might help! A recent study suggests that individuals who speak two languages might have an advantage in shifting their attention between different tasks compared to those who speak only one language.

Kate Yakimchuk research foreign languages personality brain activity Psychology 31 December 2023

The fresher the stain is, the easier it is to get rid of it, but sometimes you notice a stain too late. It's even harder when it's on a carpet, but it's still possible to get rid of it.

Kate Yakimchuk carpet cleaning tips stains old stains Helpful tips 31 December 2023

Big windows tend to look great, but not all houses have them - so what can you do? If remodeling your house isn't an option, then you can use some tricks to make them look bigger.

Kate Yakimchuk Windows interior tips room size hacks House Design 30 December 2023

Some dishes and cutlery require special care and maintenance, especially if they're made of delicate materials. While cupronickel cutlery can last for decades, it also requires special care, especially when you clean it.

Kate Yakimchuk cupronickel cutlery cleaning tips manual washing Helpful tips 30 December 2023

If your cat loves going for a walk outdoors, then you have to make sure that it's safe. While you can't control your pet's every move, there are still a few things you can do to help.

Kate Yakimchuk pet safety cat health walking protection Animals 30 December 2023

If you often feel like your head is about to explode, and you become really, really angry - then you might have a problem. There might be different reasons why people become aggressive, but there are a few tips that can help most people.

Kate Yakimchuk aggression self care anger management calmness Psychology 29 December 2023