

For keen coffee lovers, it's natural to have their favorite place when they can drink a cup of coffee and relax. You don't always have to go to cafes to experience it – you can always create a dedicated place at home!

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips coffee table ideas relaxation House Design 29 December 2023

The older the stain is, the harder it is to get rid of it - but it's not impossible! Laminated floors often require more time and effort to stay clean, but they can also become clean once again.

Kate Yakimchuk floors cleaning tips old stains laminate Helpful tips 28 December 2023

Both psychologists and interior designers suggest that your bed should be separated from your workplace - and it makes sense. When you can't divide your rest zone from your workplace, it might affect your mental state and productivity.

Kate Yakimchuk work place remote work bedroom interior House Design 28 December 2023

While most wild animals avoid humans and leave as soon as they sense them, others might be unpredictable - so you should stay safe. The best thing you can do is to remember some safety rules and follow them to leave untouched.

Kate Yakimchuk wild animals wildlife safety measures danger Animals 28 December 2023

A good garden is also a safe garden, but how to achieve it? A great fence can help you keep your pets and kids inside while keeping the unwanted guests outside.

Kate Yakimchuk fence gardening tips safety measures choosing Garden 27 December 2023

When trying to make your diet healthy, you should always think about your personal diet needs. If a generally healthy food doesn't fit your body, then you should always choose lactose-free options.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food lactose intolerance food nutrition Cooking 27 December 2023

If you tend to work remotely, then you need a convenient workplace to do it comfortably. It's quite easy to create one when you have enough space for it, but what if you don't?

Kate Yakimchuk workplace remote work interior tips table House Design 26 December 2023

While interior trends change quickly, some basic rules seem to stay with use forever - simply because they work so well! For instance, most interior designers prefer lighter colors, so they choose light wallpapers.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips wallpapers color choice design House Design 25 December 2023

Lots of people use fabric conditioners every time they wash their clothes - but is it actually a necessity? While using it can be quite beneficial, there are also some situations when you better avoid it.

Kate Yakimchuk fabric conditioner clothing care washing cleaning Helpful tips 25 December 2023

In a small kitchen, it's often hard to find lots of places where you can store your appliances. But even if you have a small kitchen, you can still find enough storage space for everything you need - just be more creative!

Kate Yakimchuk functional storage kitchen appliances interior storage House Design 25 December 2023

Proper sleep is vital for your well-being and health, and noise reduction is one of the basic things you can do to achieve that. For most people, noise and light are two things that can make or break their sleep routine, so you should take it seriously.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips bedroom sleep patterns noise House Design 24 December 2023

Not only your appearance, but also your behavior and even small gestures can repel others. If you feel like something keeps pulling people away from you, then you might be making some mistakes.

Kate Yakimchuk personality communication relationship psychologist tips Psychology 24 December 2023

Not only different types of plants, but even varieties might require different conditions to thrive. For instance, decorative sunflowers are quite different from regular ones, and a keen gardener has to know it.

Kate Yakimchuk sunflowers garden flowers plant varieties gardening Garden 24 December 2023

If you're tired of your regular food, then try cooking something new and simple. For instance, there are plenty of recipes for warm salads that can be nutritious, diverse, and delicious!

Kate Yakimchuk warm salad cooking ideas salad nutrition Cooking 24 December 2023

To save energy, you don't have to avoid using your electrical appliances - you can just use energy-effective ones! Nowadays, there are lots of appliances and gadgets that consume way less energy while working amazingly.

Kate Yakimchuk energy saving energy efficiency saving light Helpful tips 23 December 2023

If you want to be more confident, then you need to see yourself as more attractive - but how can you do it? For many people, their looks isn't an actual problem - their self-esteem can be the biggest obstacle ruining their confidence.

Kate Yakimchuk attraction self-esteem self-love insecurity Psychology 23 December 2023

Garden beds can be beautiful on their own, but they can be even more beautiful when they have unusual and intricate shapes. While it takes a bit more time and effort to create them, it can also make your garden look way better.

Kate Yakimchuk garden plants garden beds flowers design Garden 23 December 2023

If you want to actually surprise your guests, then you can cook some unusual and creative Christmas dishes for them. Your Christmas feast doesn't have to be traditional - there are so many creative and delicious dishes you can try!

Kate Yakimchuk christmas food cooking ideas food holidays Cooking 23 December 2023

Pet parrots tend to be very social and communicative birds that require lots of attention from their owners. If you really want a pet parrot, then you should be ready to take proper care for it and meet all its needs.

Kate Yakimchuk pet parrots pet owners birds mistakes Animals 23 December 2023

Sometimes we forget to buy things we need, and it becomes quite hard to do our basic cleaning routine. If you suddenly noticed that you forgot to buy dishwashing liquid, but you have to wash the dishes, then you still can do it!

Kate Yakimchuk washing dishes dishwashing liquid cleaning dishes Helpful tips 23 December 2023