How to make roses bloom luxuriantly with the help of potatoes: the trick of advanced summer residents

22.04.2022 22:15

Each of summer residents want to achieve a lush flowering of roses that grow on his country plot.

It is clear that the plant needs to be properly fed and watered regularly.

However, few amateur flower growers know about one trick, which it is desirable to use even during flower planting.

We are talking about a life hack involving the use of ordinary potato tubers.

What is the trick

The stems of roses prepared for rooting are preferably not just «inserted» into the soil.

Foto: Pixabay

It is necessary to provide the plant with support. And potatoes can act in this role.

It is enough just to stick the stalk into the nightshade. In this form, the «structure» is buried in the ground.

Moreover, it is desirable to ensure that the lower kidney is completely inside the raw vegetable.

The compounds contained in potatoes contribute to the rapid development of flowers.

However, the most important thing is the acquisition by the plant of the ability to withstand difficult weather conditions.

Thus, the «potato» method significantly increases the chances of a lush flowering of roses.