How to quickly get rid of persistent plaque on tea and coffee cups: they will sparkle like new

28.04.2022 13:15

Tea and coffee fans know that these drinks leave a coating on cups that even dishwashers sometimes can't handle.

It is especially difficult to clean dishes that have been used for drinking coffee and tea for more than one year.

From the entire service, a “coffee” cup can be recognized by a persistent coating. This dish immediately catches the eye.

To clean such a plaque can only be a hard metal sponge.

But such sponges leave scratches on porcelain, so many housewives prefer not to clean such cups.

Foto: Pixabay

Nevertheless, there is a way that will help get rid of persistent coffee or tea plaque. What should be done?

First you need to pour backing soda into a cup, add a pinch of citric acid and grind the resulting slurry along the inside of the cup, and then you can rub the cup from the front side.

Leave on for about ten minutes and rinse.

After these manipulations, the cups will sparkle both inside and out.