Can dogs have sweets: experts have revealed the correct answer

29.04.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Some people feed their dogs sweets. In this article, we will tell you whether your pet can eat sweets.

Can dogs have sweets

Dogs should never eat sweets, because they do not absorb glucose well, even in small doses.

Therefore, sweet foods can cause digestive problems in the animal, as well as allergy attacks.

Candy with high sugar content can cause her vomiting and diarrhea.

In addition, sugar contains empty calories, meaning they do not provide nutritional value.


Feeding sugar and sweet foods results in excess caloric intake and can lead to obesity in your pet.

Obese dogs are more likely to suffer from heart disease and diabetes.

Additionally, overweight pets live shorter lives than dogs of normal weight.

Chocolates and candies contain caffeine, which can cause your pet to have irregular heart rhythms, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, and even death.

Therefore, sweet food from a common table, strictly speaking, is not a delicacy.

Even if your pet thinks otherwise. It's just very unhealthy food.

It is also worth noting the problems with education that will inevitably begin.

The dog will constantly ask you for sweets or any other food outside of feeding times.

What treats can you give to dogs

In addition to industrial treats, candies, buns, ice cream and chocolate can be replaced with healthy sugar found in fruits and some vegetables.

The most suitable and affordable fruits and berries for dogs are apples.

It doesn’t matter whether they are sour or sweet, apples are desirable in the diet of dogs, especially those fed natural food.

You can also give dogs pumpkin and watermelon.

We previously talked about why dogs wag their tail.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Can dogs have sweets
  2. What treats can you give to dogs