Cat habits that we created: Learn more about your pets

06.10.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Cats exist around people for thousands of years, so no wonder that we both learned how to live together.

Cats have developed lots of habits just because of us - their owners, because they wanted to communicate with us better.

Here are a few examples of cat habits that we created.

Purring for Attention

Cats often purr when they want attention or to be petted. 

They learned that people respond to this sound, so they use it to communicate with us.



When a cat presses its paws on a soft surface, like your lap, it's called kneading. 

This is a behavior kittens use when nursing from their mothers. 

Adult cats do it because it's comforting, and they might associate it with positive experiences with people.

Hunting Less

Cats are natural hunters, but some house cats hunt less because they get their food from us. 

They might still have the instinct, but they don't always act on it.


Cats enjoy playing with toys, and people often provide them with toys to keep them entertained. 

This is a habit influenced by our interaction with them.

Sleeping on Beds

Cats like to sleep on soft, warm surfaces, which is why they often choose our beds. 

It's a cozy place to rest, and they've learned that we provide these comfy spots.

Using Litter Boxes

Cats typically use litter boxes for their bathroom needs because we provide them. 

It's a convenient way for them to keep their living spaces clean.


So, these habits developed because cats adapted to living with people and learned certain behaviors that make their lives more comfortable or help them communicate with us.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Purring for Attention
  2. Kneading
  3. Hunting Less
  4. Playing
  5. Sleeping on Beds
  6. Using Litter Boxes
  7. Conclusion