Horses are smarter than you think: Nature is amazing

23.10.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Most people see horses as strong, fast, and beautiful animals, but they often overlook their intelligence.

Meanwhile, horses can actually be quite smart - and it's no wonder!

Here are a few facts about horses' intelligence that you might find interesting.

Problem-Solving Skills

Horses are excellent at solving problems. 

For example, if they see a gate blocking their path to food, they'll often figure out how to open it or get around it. This ability shows their cleverness.


Impressive Memory

Horses have remarkable memories. They can remember people they've met, places they've been, and even things that scared them in the past. 

This memory helps them avoid dangerous situations.

Quick Learners

Horses are fast learners. They can be trained to respond to different commands and cues. 

With consistent training, they can perform various tasks, from carrying riders to pulling carts.

Social Intelligence

Horses are social animals. They live in herds and interact with other horses. 

They have a keen understanding of social hierarchies within their groups. 

They can also sense the emotions and body language of other horses and humans. If you're nervous or calm around a horse, they'll pick up on it.

Communication Skills

Horses have their own way of communicating. They use sounds like neighs, whinnies, and snorts. 

They also rely on body movements and expressions to convey their feelings. 

For instance, pinned ears might mean they're unhappy, while perked ears show curiosity.

Emotional Sensitivity

Horses are emotionally sensitive creatures. They can bond with their human caregivers and show affection. 

They can also sense if someone is fearful or anxious, which can affect their behavior.


So, while horses might not solve math problems or write novels, their intelligence shines in various practical ways, making them much smarter than many people realize. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Problem-Solving Skills
  2. Impressive Memory
  3. Quick Learners
  4. Social Intelligence
  5. Communication Skills
  6. Emotional Sensitivity
  7. Conclusion