How to cheer up a cat: effective ways - choose any if you see that your pet is bored

21.04.2024 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Pets often get bored and sad from idleness. In this article, we will tell you how you can please your cat.

How can you please your cat

To keep your cat happy, it is important to play with your pet for at least an hour a day.

Learn a few tricks with your cat. Buy your animal different types of toys and give him a scratching post.

You can also buy a drinking fountain or arrange a high house where the cat will spend time and climb high.

It is important to make viewing surfaces in the house, since cats love to climb higher and look at everything from a height, since they are by nature predators who climb trees.


It is important to spend as much time as possible with your pet.

After all, animals most of all need and appreciate your attention and presence.

It is also important to pet your pet properly.

For this, stroking left and right along the body is suitable.

As a rule, such tactility is very pleasant for cats. Like the back, the sides can be ironed a little more firmly.

The main thing is to stroke the animal not against the grain.

The sides can be stroked with both hands at the same time and even with elements of a soft massage with your fingertips.

Previously, we told you how to stop your cat from damaging furniture in the house.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource