How pigeons managed to deliver mail: Unusual bird abilities

17.07.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Pigeons were historically used as mail carriers due to their remarkable navigational abilities and homing instincts. 

The process of using pigeons to deliver mail, known as pigeon post or pigeon mail, involved several key factors.

Let's find out more.

Homing Instinct

Pigeons possess a natural homing instinct, meaning they have the ability to find their way back to a specific location over long distances. 

This instinct is believed to be influenced by various factors, including the Earth's magnetic field, landmarks, and celestial cues.


Training and Familiarization

Pigeons used for mail delivery were carefully trained and familiarized with specific routes and destinations. 

They were raised and housed in special lofts located at the desired destination. 

This process involved gradually increasing the distance between the loft and the release point to develop the pigeons' homing abilities.

Message Carrying

The messages or small capsules containing the mail were securely attached to the pigeons using lightweight harnesses or small tubes. 

The pigeons would then be released at the desired location with the message attached.

Flight and Navigation

Once released, the pigeons would take flight and use their navigational abilities to find their way back to their home loft. 

They relied on their keen sense of direction, visual cues, and their ability to detect familiar scents to guide them.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Homing Instinct
  2. Training and Familiarization
  3. Message Carrying
  4. Flight and Navigation