Interesting Facts: How Dogs Think

15.12.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The average dog's IQ is around 100. Your average dog is as smart as a two-year-old human.

What do dogs think about

Research shows that dogs often think about their toys.

They remember the shape, smell and sensations of objects, and therefore are able to recreate them in their heads and even search among many similar objects.

In addition, of course, animals often remember food, friends and their beloved owners.

How do dogs think


It is important to note that dogs do not have a language system comparable to that of humans, with grammar and syntax.

Instead, their thoughts are assumed to be primarily shaped by sensory impressions and emotions.

Research shows that dogs think through a combination of sights, smells and emotions.

Dogs pay attention to which option their owners choose, but do not follow it in their own choice.

This was discovered by Hungarian scientists who asked pet owners to react differently to two objects - a toy and a bracelet similar to it - and then give the command to bring it to the dog.

Previously, we told you how to understand that a kitten is sick.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource