The safest first pets for kids: Learn more about pets

12.10.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Most children need pets - they need to learn how to care about someone, how to be responsible and patient.

The thing is, some pets can be potentially dangerous to little kids, so you should choose them carefully.

Here's how you can choose a safe first pet for your child.


Fish are low-maintenance pets. They live in a tank, and children can watch and feed them. Just be sure to keep the tank clean.

Hamsters or Gerbils

These small rodents are easy to handle and don't require a lot of space. They're not aggressive and can be fun to watch.


Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are gentle, social animals that enjoy being around people. They are also not too big and are easy to care for.


Some breeds of rabbits can make good pets for kids. They are calm and can be litter trained.


Turtles are quiet and easy to care for. They live in a tank and don't need much attention.

Hermit Crabs

These little creatures are fascinating to watch and are low-maintenance pets.

Small Birds

Birds like parakeets or canaries can be good pets. They are not too big and can be quite social.


Remember, when getting a pet for a child, always supervise their interactions and teach them how to care for the animal properly. 

Pets are a great way for kids to learn about responsibility and empathy.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Fish
  2. Hamsters or Gerbils
  3. Guinea Pigs
  4. Rabbits
  5. Turtles
  6. Hermit Crabs
  7. Small Birds
  8. Conclusion