Taking your cat to a groomer: Pet owner's tips

05.12.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Cats are well-known for their grooming - these pets can take good care of their appearance, cleaning and brushing their hair daily.

Meanwhile, cat grooming salons exist, and some pet owners take both their dogs and cats to the specialists.

But is it even useful to take your cat to a professional groomer?

It depends

Taking your cat to a groomer can be a good idea, depending on your cat's needs and temperament. 

Groomers are professionals who can help with tasks like trimming your cat's nails, brushing their fur, and giving them a bath. 


Some cats, especially long-haired breeds, may benefit from regular grooming to prevent their fur from getting tangled and matted. 

Groomers can also check for any signs of skin issues, parasites, or lumps that you might not notice.

Stress can be a problem

However, not all cats enjoy the grooming process, and some may get stressed or anxious. 

If your cat becomes very upset during grooming, it might be better to try grooming at home in a calm and familiar environment. 

You can use a soft brush to remove loose fur and check their coat for any issues. 

For tasks like nail trimming, it's essential to be gentle and patient, offering treats and praise to create a positive experience.


Taking your cat to a groomer can be helpful for certain grooming tasks, but it's essential to consider your cat's personality and comfort level. 

Some cats may prefer at-home grooming, while others may tolerate or even enjoy the professional grooming experience.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. It depends
  2. Stress can be a problem
  3. Summary