Tik Tok Trends: Why Dogs Don't Always React to Owner's Fake Faint

04.05.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Many dog owners are interested in how their pets would react in critical situations when a person becomes ill. Therefore, many began to fall into a fake swoon, check the reaction of the animal and record it on video.

Why the dog did not respond to the fake faint

Some animals react to the trick of the person and begin to get nervous, fuss, sniff and lick the owner.

However, other dogs may not react in any way to the fact that their owner has fallen.

If the dog has ignored the situation, the answer is simple; the animal knows that you are faking it and that you are fine.

Dogs have more developed hearing and sense of smell than humans have, and they can sense that something is not right with their health. If the animal does not notice any real threats and health signals, more often than not, she will not be concerned that you have fallen.


However, such an experiment can be dangerous. Some pets may overreact, get scared or upset.

Therefore, take care of your dog's mental health and do not create potential threats with fake faints.

In addition, in an open space on the street, the animal may run away and get lost due to fear.

If your dog's behavior has changed in any way, seek the advice of a veterinarian or dog handler.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource