In what cases should you not pat a dog on the head: dog experts warn about a hidden threat

21.05.2024 21:00

Sometimes you shouldn't shit on a dog's head.

It is important to know how to behave correctly with an animal.

When not to pet your dog's head

Most dogs don't like to be petted on the head because it's a sensitive area.

In this case, the animal will let you know about its discomfort.

For example, the pet may move away, make a sound signal, or make a sad face.

Photo: © Belnovosti

You should not stroke the dog’s head if the animal flattens its ears, tucks its tail, or licks its nose.

The pet may also freeze, appear tense, or growl while showing its teeth.

These are signals that you should not touch the dog, the animal does not want this and may bite you.

Why dogs don't like to have their heads touched

The dog may simply be frightened by the sharp or sudden appearance of a hand above its head.

Especially from a stranger or someone you don’t know well.

To get to know an animal, it is best to simply let it smell your hand. But first let me come to you.

It is also best to communicate while squatting so that the dog is not so scared and uncomfortable.

Previously, we told you what you should not feed Sphynx cats.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When not to pet your dog's head
  2. Why dogs don't like to have their heads touched