What to put in the microwave to make yesterday's pasta look like freshly cooked: an unexpected trick

29.03.2022 09:15

If the housewife accidentally or deliberately cooked too much pasta, then part of the dish has to be sent to the fridge to reheat the next day.

Unfortunately, re-cooked pasta no longer has a bright taste.

A similar problem is primarily characteristic of food "processed" in a microwave oven.

However, if you put two things in the microwave, then the pasta will seem very fresh.

What is the trick

Pasta does not need to be reheated in the microwave "alone".

Foto: Pixabay

Place an ice cube in the center of the dish. After that, cover the plate with parchment paper.

The result of heating pasta in this form is the return of their original taste. It will look like the dish has just been cooked.

The trick will "work" with one more dish

Ice and parchment paper will improve the taste of yesterday's rice. Porridge will receive not only the previous flavor, but also crumpling.

True, you can do without an ice cube. Before sending the dish to the microwave, you can simply add a little clean water to it.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource