

Like any other room of your house, your kitchen illustrates your sense of style an your love for convenience and good design. Meanwhile, not just the design itself, but also some random objects in your kitchen can make it look unappealing.

Kate Yakimchuk kitchen design interior mistakes style ideas House Design 27 January 2024

TVs used to look stylish and modern, but now lots of people prefer to stray away from too techy looks. Frame TV is a special function that can help you visually "hide" your TV and turn it into a painting or a photo.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips frame tv gadgets tv House Design 26 January 2024

Interior trends can become outdated as quickly as they become trendy, so you should always check the latest fashion news to stay up-to-date. If your house already has some of these anti-trends, then it doesn't mean that you should replace them immediately!

Kate Yakimchuk interior mistakes trends interior tips style House Design 21 January 2024

Accent walls can improve lots of interior designs, making them fresh, stylish, and creative. Meanwhile, not every accent wall looks great – some of them are too loud and attract too much attention.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips accent wall colors mistakes House Design 21 January 2024

To create a beautiful interior design, you don't have to follow the trends – there are lots of unusual and unconventional ideas you might use. To experiment with shapes, colors, and designs, you can get your inspiration from Pinterest and various articles about unusual interiors.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips interior fashion style ideas House Design 20 January 2024

You don't always need a professional interior designer to create your interior design – most people choose to do it by themselves. Meanwhile, you should be pretty careful with your choices, because some interior mistakes can clearly show that you're far from being a professional.

Kate Yakimchuk interior mistakes interior tips ideas makeover House Design 19 January 2024

Flowers in the corridors, animals in the rest rooms, the interior of the workspace - are of great importance.

Diana Dashkevich work workplace remote work interior tips House Design 10 January 2024

When creating a perfect workplace for yourself, you have to think about the smallest details – simply because they can make your work way more convenient! A good amount of space, comfortable chairs, and other things are important, but they aren't everything you might need to stay productive.

Kate Yakimchuk remote work workplace interior tips comfort House Design 9 January 2024

House remodeling can be a long and exhausting process, and even small makeovers can take lots of effort. If you want your bedroom makeover to be easy and enjoyable for you, then you need to plan everything well.

Kate Yakimchuk bedroom house remodeling house makeover ideas House Design 9 January 2024

If you want your interior to be cute, natural, and modern, then you should use more natural and eco-friendly materials. One of the greatest options is to use wicker lampshades – they are light, budget-friendly, and create a very special atmosphere.

Kate Yakimchuk lamp shade wicker interior tips ideas House Design 7 January 2024

Some interior items can be subconsciously seen as outdated, simply because they used to be popular in the past. For instance, cupboards often look not modern enough, but it's only if you don't know how to style them.

Kate Yakimchuk cupboard interior tips old furniture retro House Design 30 December 2023

When creating your unique interior design, you can't just buy all the expensive things to make it look great. While being expensive, some items can actually make your interior look cheap, tacky, or tasteless.

Kate Yakimchuk interior mistakes interior tips fashion price House Design 30 December 2023

Trends come and go and if you actually follow them, then you always have to change something. The same happens with interior trends, so if you want your house to look fashionable, then you should stay tuned.

Kate Yakimchuk interior fashion trends interior mistakes fashion House Design 30 December 2023

While interior trends change quickly, some basic rules seem to stay with use forever - simply because they work so well! For instance, most interior designers prefer lighter colors, so they choose light wallpapers.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips wallpapers color choice tips House Design 25 December 2023

If you want your room to have a modern style, youthful and edgy, then you can add wall posters! Not all wall posters are equally cool or stylish, though - so how can you choose the perfect ones?

Kate Yakimchuk wall decor posters interior tips style House Design 24 December 2023

Garden beds can be beautiful on their own, but they can be even more beautiful when they have unusual and intricate shapes. While it takes a bit more time and effort to create them, it can also make your garden look way better.

Kate Yakimchuk garden plants garden beds flowers tips Garden 23 December 2023

Modern teens know what a stylish bedroom should look like - they spend lots of time online, so they see plenty of pretty designs. A beautiful and convenient room is essential for their productivity and good mood, and it also shows that they aren't kids anymore.

Kate Yakimchuk teenagers children's room interior tips children House Design 21 December 2023

On the Internet, you can find lots of beautifully decorated Christmas trees that look like real Christmas magic. If your own Christmas tree doesn't look as beautiful as them, then you probably have no experience in decorating it.

Kate Yakimchuk christmas decorations christmas tree ornaments interior House Design 13 December 2023

A family owns way more things than just one individual, so they normally require way more storage space in their house. When planning a new house layout, you should always think about perfect storage, so your house won't be cluttered.

Kate Yakimchuk storage space functional storage interior tips House Design 5 December 2023

The number of chairs will depend on the length of the oval table. As a rule, the placement is symmetrical.

Diana Dashkevich kitchen interior interior tips House Design 2 December 2023