

When choosing utensils for tea, you should pay attention to what kind of tea you want to brew in this utensil.

Diana Dashkevich kitchen utensils tea materials House Design 2 September 2023

Finding enjoyment in washing dishes might seem like a challenge, but with a shift in mindset and a few practical strategies, you can make the task more enjoyable.  While you can't completely avoid the task, you can try changing how you see it.

Kate Yakimchuk plates cleaning tips Helpful tips 24 August 2023
dirty dishes

Most people dislike cleaning their dishes, but sometimes they accumulate too quickly to ignore them. Dirty dishes can accumulate quickly for several reasons, often tied to our daily routines, behaviors, and habits. 

Kate Yakimchuk dirt cleaning tips Helpful tips 24 August 2023

Not only social media, but also TV shows can affect the popularity of certain foods. Television shows have played a significant role in popularizing various foods and culinary trends, often turning them into cultural sensations. 

Kate Yakimchuk food tv trends shows Cooking 22 August 2023
dirty cups

Leaving dishes dirty for an extended period can have negative consequences for both your health and the cleanliness of your living space.  While there's no strict rule about how long you can leave dishes unwashed, it's generally recommended to clean them promptly after use. 

Kate Yakimchuk hygiene cleaning tips Helpful tips 18 August 2023

Appliance repair experts recommend cleaning your dishwasher once a month.

Diana Dashkevich dishwasher cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips 15 August 2023
coffee mugs

Have you ever seen unusual mugs or plates that look amazing? They can be great decorations and make your interior look better!

Kate Yakimchuk mugs plates decoration interior House Design 5 August 2023
dirty dishes

Busy people sometimes leave their dirty dishes unwashed for a pretty long time. While it might seem like no big deal, it can actually have a few unpleasant consequences.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning dirty Helpful tips 28 July 2023

Glimpsing dark scratches on your beloved plates might feel like a permanent mark of damage, leaving you disheartened.  But fear not, for most of these blemishes can be undone with a little know-how.

Kate Yakimchuk serving plates scratches housekeeping tips Helpful tips 24 July 2023
still life

Certain dishes and decorative items can enhance your interior design by adding visual interest, style, and personality to your space.  They can be used when you have guests, or you can just place them as decorations.

Kate Yakimchuk serving plates home decor interior tips decoration House Design 23 July 2023

Buying beautiful serving plates can enhance your dining experience and add an extra touch of elegance and sophistication to your meals.  When having guests or just dining with your family, you can create a very special, sophisticated atmosphere.

Kate Yakimchuk serving plates interior tips House Design 22 July 2023
old dishes

Interior design trends constantly evolve, and certain dishes that were once popular may now be considered out of fashion.  Beautiful glass dishes can make or break the aesthetic of your kitchen, especially when you have guests.

Kate Yakimchuk old dishes interior tips decoration House Design 21 July 2023

Ceramic products are very fragile, so when using them, they must be handled carefully so as not to break. In the article we will talk about effective and safe methods of cleansing.

Diana Dashkevich cleaning materials advices tips Helpful tips 15 July 2023

Cups often get dirty from tea, coffee and other drinks. At the same time, often water and soap are not enough. In the article we will tell you how to easily and quickly clean cups and glasses from old stains.

Diana Dashkevich kitchen stains cleaning lifehacks advices Helpful tips 6 July 2023

To enjoy a drink, it must be properly prepared and served beautifully. Therefore, it is important to adhere to etiquette, including choosing cups of a certain weight, volume and material.

Diana Dashkevich home interior design House Design 1 June 2023

Not all crockery and utensils are dishwasher safe. In the article, you will find out which materials will be destroyed under high water pressure and temperature.

Diana Dashkevich home dishwasher cleaning Helpful tips 31 May 2023

Breakfast is an important meal, because it energizes you in the morning and gives you strength for productive work. In the article, we will give examples of hearty and healthy dishes.

Diana Dashkevich food breakfast cooking Cooking 29 May 2023

Coffee drinks should be served in special dishes: ceramic, porcelain or glass. This is no coincidence. After all, to enjoy a drink, it must be properly prepared and beautifully served.

Diana Dashkevich home interior design colors House Design 27 May 2023